The Disaster Medicine Project
The Disaster Medicine Project (DMP) is a specialized OMF program devoted to improving readiness, information sharing, and community engagement in disaster situations at all levels.
We currently offer on-site “Stop the Bleed”, Incident Command, and Mass Casualty Triage as entry-level training basics of Disaster Response.
We are doctors, nurses, pharmacists, builders, businessmen, educators, law enforcement, construction workers, chaplains, emergency managers, paramedics, attorneys, fire commissioners, city councilmen, retired Military, firefighters, cyber/software engineers, HAMs, CERT & Medical Reserve Corps volunteers, public information officers, college/HS students who live and work here; citizen-volunteers all.
The first 96 hours to weeks before significant governmental response arrives will be crucial to saving lives. These teams will assist as support in the following capacities: mass casualty triage, decon, volunteer and resource management, scene safety and security, media and emergency agency interface, family reunification, communications management, palliative care and other areas deemed necessary to disaster response.
Our parallel mission is to develop, and train community-based rapid response teams primarily comprised of Military veterans who focus on local hospitals facing large casualty loads and are in desperate need of labor force multipliers due to natural disasters – like a catastrophic earthquake.